Do you find yourself itchy and sneezing after an encounter with a friendly, furry dog? You are not alone. The CDC estimates that around ten percent of Americans suffer from allergies related to dogs or cats. But, of course, that is no reason not to enjoy the love of a dog. So, if you are […]
Case-Shiller: Home Prices Grow at Fastest Rate Since June 2014
Home prices continued to rise in September according to Case-Shiller National and 20-City home price index reports. According to the National Home Price Index, national home prices rose 0.70 percent month for the three months ending in September. The National Index regained its pre-housing bubble peak and surpassed it by 5.90 percent as of September. […]
12 Trick-Or-Treating Safety Tips
Gone are the days where parents sit at home while their costumed children run around the neighborhood alone. These days, most small children are walked door to door by family. While there is relatively little mischief they can get into under their parents’ watchful gaze, below are even more trick-or-treating safety tips for an untroubled, fun and haunted evening.
Your Home List Price, Should You Lower It?
Are you trying to sell your home and finding that it is not selling very well? This might be due to a number of reasons that you can’t control, such as its location or the fact that the home layout is somewhat unusual. If you are struggling to sell your home, there is one factor that you can alter that might change things â the price.
Many homeowners are reluctant to lower the price of their home, because it feels somewhat like a defeat. However, while you want to make as much money from your house sale as possible â it is better to sell your home at a slightly cheaper price than to let it sit on the market for a long time.
Remove Those Pet Odors With These Quick Tips
You might love your furry friends, but are their pet odors turning off potential buyers when you are trying to sell your home?
Many cat and dog owners are around their animal companions so often that they become immune to the smell and don’t notice it in their home, so you might not even realize that your home smells of pet odor.
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6 Reasons to Google Your Address
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March Fed Minutes Show Inflation Risks And Rate Hikes On The Horizon
The Federal Reserve released its March 15 meeting minutes Tuesday. The notes revealed a Federal Reserve split between optimism and caution for the U.S. economy.
10 U.S. Cities With The Steepest Rent Increases (2010)
The average apartment vacancy rate is 6.6% nationwide, down from 8.0% last year, and the number of occupied apartments rose by more during Q4 2010 than during any comparable period of the last 10 years. It’s a major reason why rents are up 2.3%.
Get That Last Drop Of Ketchup (And Other Household Money-Stretchers)
According to Consumer Reports, Americans waste as much as 25% of the products they purchase. Learn the tricks of using “the last drop” of everything you buy.