In this post we’ll share a handful of tips that you may find helpful if you’re searching for a family-friendly neighborhood in a new city.
Juggling Priorities: How to Manage Buying a New Home and Selling Your Old One at the Same Time
In today’s blog post we’ll share a few tips for how to manage a buying and selling transaction simultaneously without being overwhelmed by them.
Closing Costs: Understanding What It Costs to Close on a Home and What You Can Expect to Pay
In this post we’ll look at a number of these closing costs and what you will be expected to pay when you buy that next dream home.
The Pros and Cons of Buying a New Home Versus Buying Pre-owned
Buying a house, condo or townhouse is an exciting and rewarding time which tends to be a lot of fun. However, along the way you’ll need to make a number of decisions – including whether you want to buy a pre-owned home or one that has been built recently.
Turned Down for a Mortgage? What to Do if You are Declined – and How to Get Second Opinion
If you have been declined for a mortgage, you may think that home ownership is out of reach. However, there are ways to turn a rejection into an approval and to find a more accessible loan. Here are just a few steps you can take to learn about your loan options and get the mortgage that works for you.
Real Estate Secrets: Understanding the ‘Option Period’ and What This Term Means for You as a Buyer
When the sale of real estate takes place, a certain amount of time might be allotted after a contract is created but before the transaction is finalized. During this time the buyer may decide not to follow through with the deal set forth in the contract.
Five Absolute Truths About the Home Buying Process That You Will Need to Come to Terms With
Buying a home is an exciting time, but there can be setbacks. In this article we’ll share 5 potential setbacks that home buyers will need to come to terms with to make a successful purchase.
6 Tips For Buying An Older Home
Buying an old home is like buying a piece of local history. Here is how to do it properly.