Homeowners can save up to 9% per year on water heating costs with a properly-fitted water heater jacket.
How To Use Newspapers To Kill Garden Weeds
Newspapers can be as effective as pesticides in stopping weed growth.
Build Your Own Rain Barrel To Save Money, Environment
According to the EPA, during summer months, lawn and garden watering account for roughly 40% of a typical home’s water use.
50 Creative Reuse Ideas For Your Home And Garden
In every home, there are literally hundreds of items that be reused and repurposed. Here are 50 great ideas for you.
How To Install A Dimmer Switch
In this 2-minute video, you’ll learn how to reduce your home’s standard on/off lighting switches using dimmer switches. The dimmer-switch project is a do-it-yourselfer and requires only basic handyman experience.
Water Conservation Tips For Your Home And Garden
According to the EPA, the average U.S. household spends close to $500 each year on water and sewage bills. With a few small changes, though, that figure could drop by $170. It’s all in how you use your water.