If you lost your home due to foreclosure, you probably haven’t given up on the dream of owning a new home. The good news is that a number of guidelines have changed which may allow you an opportunity to buy that new home sooner than you think.
Tax Breaks Granted By The 2012 Fiscal Cliff Negotiations
The Fiscal Cliff negotiations earlier this year created new tax breaks for homeowners, and extended others.
Pending Home Sales Post 20th Consecutive Month Of Annual Gains
The annual rate at which contracts for a home purchase were drawn increased 6.9 percent from one year ago.
Reasons To Attend Your Own Home Inspection
When you commission a home inspection, you should be present for it. Here are 3 reasons why.
Existing Homes For Sale At Lowest Point In 11 Years
Home sales dropped last month, but not because demand was lacking. There are fewer homes for sale than at any time in the last 11 years.
Simple Fixes To Help Your Home Sell More Quickly
A few simple ways to help make your home more buyer-ready.
Selling? Improve The Appearance Of Your Home’s Bathrooms.
Inexpensive ways to spruce up bathrooms in a home for sale.
What To Do When Your Home Doesn’t Appraise At Its Purchase Price
Experienced home sellers know that reaching a sales agreement with a potential buyer can be just the start of the negotiation process.
How To Install A Water Heater Jacket
Homeowners can save up to 9% per year on water heating costs with a properly-fitted water heater jacket.
A Look At This Week’s Mortgage Rates : December 3, 2012
This week, there is little on the U.S. economic calendar, save for Friday’s Non-Farm Payrolls report. Wall Street is expecting to see 80,000 net new jobs created in November, and a rise in the national Unemployment Rate to 8.0%.